Monday, November 16, 2009

Obamanably partisan

A couple of days ago radio talk show host Dan Caplis unburdened himself of his ideas about President Obama's Veterans Day remarks at Fort Hood. He asked why the President did not condemn Major Hasan as an Islamic terrorist. Throughout the presidential campaign and from day one of Obama's presidency, Dan has been on the attack against Obama. My response to his latest comments:

Dan, here's the answer to your question. President Obama did not "speak the truth" on Veterans Day about the Fort Hood shootings because he is smarter and more savvy than your one-dimensional question implies. First of all, no official finding has yet been made to support the kind of statement you think the President should make. Perhaps Hasan himself will state his motive. Until then, you are free to draw the conclusion you like and state it on the radio, something you can easily do as a mere talk host whose opinions and statements do not carry the weight of Presidential remarks.

The President's premature public conclusion about the arrest of Harvard Professor Gates last summer has undoubtedly taught him to be a little more circumspect about commenting during an ongoing investigation. The evidence in the Fort Hood shootings clearly points to the possibility the shooting was a terrorist act by an Islamic extremist, but I find your remarks disingenuous to say the least. You merrily jumped on the bandwagon to criticize Obama over his Cambridge police remarks. Now you'd like him to pronounce judgement against Hasan while the investigations are only just beginning. Remember, the President has a higher responsibility to "calibrate" his remarks than does a mere media commentator.

I believe your criticism of the President in this matter is simply another case of your insincere posturing to score political points. The truth is that nothing the President does or says about anything will win your approval, because your dogmatic partisanship overrules any ability you might have to offer credible commentary on his actions. Worst of all, you have no qualms about using the tragedy at Fort Hood to do nothing more than take political potshots at the President. The predictability of your opinions about the President offers no insight, but only the diversion of a parlor game for listeners to guess what negative spin you will conjure up against Obama, no matter what tragedy or triumph occurs during his Administration.

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